MTS Perforator

Categories: Microtunneling

Microtunneling Pipe Jacking systems from MTS.

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AugerPro System – Pipe Jacking

Tunnel length:
Up to 300m
OD200 – OD1600
soft ground (sand, silts, clay), without any boulders
Features:Low groundwater levelExcavated soil is transported by auger train to the start shaftPush pipes directly after drilling

Slurry Systems – Pipe Jacking

Tunnel length:
1.000m and more
OD350 – OD4000
All conditions
Features:Difficult soil with high levels of ground waterFor very long distances and large diametersExcavated spoil is mixed with water, transportation to the surfaceWater and spoil get seperated, water maintains in the slurry circleFour different modes, usability for different geologiesAdditives or betonite are not required
mts Hybrid:Slurry systems – suitable for pipe jacking and segmental lining projects
If there is no possibility for building a rescue shaft > switch to segmental mode > finish tunnelling

EPB Systems – Pipe Jacking

Tunnel length:
1.000m and more
OD1200 – OD4000
Soft ground
Features:Fine soils with low water permeabilityFor very long distancesExcavated soil gathers in the excavation chamberSoil and advancing force build the support pressureExcavated soil transported by screw conveyor out of the excavation chamberBy conveyor belts or lorries to the launching shaft
mts Hybrid:EPB systems – suitable for pipe jacking and segmental lining projects
If there is no possibility for building a rescue shaft > switch to segmental mode > finish tunnelling

Hard Rock Systems – Pipe Jacking

Tunnel length:
1.000 m and more
DN 1200 – DN 4000
fractured and unfractured Rock
Features:With a gripper station in stable ground conditionsGrip against the tunnel wall to move forwardIn fractured rock > unstable tunnel walls supported by pipes or segments > Segmental Lining

System 2 – Smart Combination of HDD Drilling and Microtunneling

Push Force:
400t up to 1.000t
OD500 – OD1500
All conditions
Features:Usability for pre-bent and straight pipesVariable feeding length of 6 m up to 24 mTime-saving and cost-saving shaft installationStart angle: 0-25° and more, min. curve radius: 150mStrong cooperation

Our microtunneling systems are easy to handle with our mts power pack container. Our laser guidance systems ensure high accuracies. You will obtain an overview of the main components at the following link: Components

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